



Just count it I back to Hong Kong from Aussie for more than a year. In Aussie, for convenience about work and living, I lived near the CBD. Car is necessary in Aussie as the transportation is not as convenient as Hong Kong. Unfortunately, I didn't have driver license and car, I just can rely on train. I must catch the time tight as if I miss the train, it would have to wait at least 30 minutes.

In Hong Kong, the traffic is really convenient. Even thought taking the public transportation  is more convenient than driving private cars. I go to work by bus and pass through the Shing Mun Tunnel everyday. The middle part of tunnel is a Bridges between mountains, you can peek at the scene outside the tunnel.

("HK ShingMunTunnel Flyover" 由 WiNG - 自己的作品。 使用來自 维基共享资源創用CC 姓名標示-相同方式分享 3.0 條款授權。)



Double Ninth Festival, is the time to go hiking. The route introduced by Matt is the place I walk through everyday. From the bottom to the top to appreciate the nature.

First, let have a breakfast in Tai Wai.  Then walk along the way behind Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College, you will reach the Tai Wai New Village. Keep walking to Po Fook Memorial Hall.
⇡ Today also is grave-sweeping day, not only their ancestors but also a large group of monkeys are waiting for them.

⇡ Stay away from the monkey if you are carrying food.

⇡ The main dam of Lower Shing Mun Reservoir

⇣ Reach the main dam, there is an awesome weather waiting for us
⇡ Sha Tin View

⇡ Bellmouth Overflow can be seen in Lower Shing Mun Reservoir

⇡ There is a wide-angle-lens

⇡ We followed up on walking toward ⋯⋯

⇡ Until we find it is dead end we turn around. At least we got 30 more minutes to stay with nature

⇡Back to the way then go upstairs

⇡Bring your hiking pole, it's very useful!

⇡ See ~ Shing Mun Tunnel ~

⇡ Another angle to see water tower

⇡ Finally reach the bottom of the tunnel, life is integrated into nature. Oh...I understand I will pass through tomorrow...for work

⇣OK, moving toward to Shing Mun Reservoir
⇡這一帶的風景令我聯想起Kata Tjuta,迷人景色令人駐足再三
⇡ Stunning landscape of this area makes me think of Kata Tjuta


⇡ Three hundred more stairs, it's quite hard for me

⇡ Fortunately companions let me take a rest after finish first stage

⇡ That is impossible to go up if no stairs

⇡Another way to go heaven

⇡ Those arrogant monkey is waiting for us at the end

⇡Shing Mun Reservoir

⇡Try to understand the history of reservoir. Pineapple dam minibus stop is the end

Tai Wai Station
Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College
Tai Wai New Village
Po Fook Memorial Hall
Lower Shing Mun Reservoir
The bottom of Shing Mun Tunnel
Shing Mun Reservoir
Pineapple Dam minibus stop
Tuen Wan

時間:≈4小時 (不包括用餐時間)
Duration: about 4 hours
Distance: 10km

Sync to: http://blog.ulifestyle.com.hk/blogger/levistone/2015/10/%E3%80%90%E5%9F%8E%E9%96%80%E6%B0%B4%E5%A1%98%E3%80%91%E7%94%B1%E4%B8%8B%E8%80%8C%E4%B8%8A%E7%9A%84%E6%AC%A3%E8%B3%9E/

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