
XXXX Brewery


亦因為酒在澳洲的重要性,所以我們這一次就參加了XXXX Brewery tour.

You cannot imagine how important of beer in Australia. Due to the importance of beer in Aussie, we join the XXXX Brewery tour to know more about it.

After we check in, we get the Pass.


and our personal protection equipment.

為在裡面不可以拍照,所以照片都是參觀完之後拍的。會有一個tour guide帶著我們。(居然除了我們之外沒有Asian)。
首先進去看見的是一個掛滿照片的室,中間一張大圓桌,用來把影像投射到上面。配合聲音跟影相來介紹XXXX Brewery 的歷史。

之後就是Tour guide帶著我們參觀生產線,包裝線,儲存啤哂的大容器等等⋯⋯ 在廠裡面可以試到以下四種用來製造啤酒的材料。

Taking photo is prohibited during the tour. That's why no photo in the factory. There is a tour guide illustrate in whole tour.
We entry the introduction room and there are many portrait on the wall. In the middle is a large circle table for showing the laser picture.

This is the raw material of making beer, we can taste, smell and touch it.

Beer tasting time ~ Someone is looking forward to this part.

Eventually we try 5 kind of beer, it's good for the small quantity to avoid over taking.

This tour include a glass of beer, we can choose the favour. By the way, I like the summer favour.



We are looking forward to see the worker how they work in the factory but finally we are disappointed. As we've been there on Saturday and all the worker off, thus it just like a museum and no one work with the machine.

官網購票Website for buying ticket

Email notice if you are successfully brought the ticket.

How to get to the XXXX Brewery

http://www.xxxx.com.au/t thexxxxalehouse xxxx-brewery-tours/

坐火車到Milton Station,再步行3分鐘左右就到達目的地。
We get there by train and take off in Milton Station. Walk about 3 mins to reach the Brewery.