
【Moreton Island】Ingham 港人結伴同遊 - 摩頓島

Ingham港人有一個Whatsapp Group。我們常常在Group裡面交換資訊和⋯⋯相約我們的Gathering。結果我們決定在Australian National Day的公眾假期時去Moreton Island。因為Group裡面有太多猛人Plan好一切,所以就很順利出發。
We have a Whatsapp Group that the Hong Kong people worked in Ingham. We like to share in the Group. This time we decided to go to Moreton Island as we have an extra holiday due to Australian National Day.

It's a two day trip, I cannot leave turtle Grace at home. Thus I bring him and.....wrap it!

到達目的地,還沒到Check in的時間,所以我們就跟Wilson玩遊戲喇。排球跟閃避球已經消耗了我們八成的體力。
We arrived Moreton Island but not yet checked in room. So, we play with Volleyball Wilson~~It's so so so tired after we play a several game.

幸好到了Check in的時間,可以回房間充一下電。
Luckily it's time to check in. We can take a nap.

and Turtle Grace can breath again.

休息過後就是Moreton Island的重頭戲~滑沙!可以從最高的沙山頂 - 頭向下高速滑下來的感覺,但又不能張嘴狂叫的刺激感,真令人期待!

It's the most exciting moment. We are going to have a Sand Tobogganing. Just think about it~ You can slide down with a high speed from the top of sand hill. Due to your face is down, you cannot scream when you are sliding down. How's interesting of it.

When we arrived, it almost rain. We have to run to the top of sand hill as fast as we can before it rains. Don't forget, we are extremely tired after play the volleyball...Now we have to run AGAIN.

Finally we arrived the top

and at the same time, it starts raining. Most of the photo blur as I put my mobile into the seal protection bag.
We try to use the board to block some rain.

It is not easy to slide down if sand is wet. Some smart guy think another way to enjoy this Sand Tobogganing. 
I like this creativity by facing this circumstance. Spirit of Hong Kong

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